Construction of Internal Infrastructure for Compressing and Dispatching Natural Gas in the

The Brod Oil Refinery (RNB), aiming for flexibility in future operations, decided to engage in providing services for filling and dispatching compressed natural gas for commercial purposes. To this end, the installation of a new compressor station for gas filling and the establishment of gas filling and dispatching points was carried out. This station is designated as Section 180, with the station code MEGC.

This project defines the installation for filling mobile stations (mobile trailers with natural gas bottles under pressure - CNG), and it will also be used for filling the refinery's own vehicles powered by CNG. The installation's capacity is a total of 160 million Sm3/year. A phased construction is planned, with 4 phases of 40 million Sm3/year each. The installation will utilize ten compressors capable of processing approximately 3,000 standard cubic meters per hour (Sm3/h) at 16 barg pressure. The technological process of the new installation includes filtration through appropriate mechanical filters, drying the gas to a defined moisture limit, and compressing the gas to an operating pressure of 250 barg.

For the operation of the compressors, a new transformer station is planned, with a power of 2x2000kVA, 6.3/0.4kV.

The planned capacity of the compressor station is 160 million Sm3/year. The constructed capacity is 60 million Sm3/year. Operating time is 24 hours a day, 330 days a year. The technological elements of the station are as follows:

  1. Gas supply pipeline
  2. Inlet block for measuring gas quality and quantity
  3. Gas dryer block
  4. Odorization system
  5. Compressor block
  6. Gas accumulators and priority panel
  7. Filling devices
  8. Auxiliary systems (drainage, air, inert gas, etc.)

The conceptual design, main design by discipline, fire protection study, occupational safety study, and as-built design have been completed.

The installation is in use.

Compressors (above), Gas inlet measuring and regulation station (below)

Compressors (above), Gas inlet measuring and regulation station (below)


Control point for managing the installation.