Construction of Building B8 - Paper Production Factory PM3 in Krnjača

Client: Production Company Drenik ND DOO Belgrade

Period: 2017-2018

Location: Krnjača, Belgrade

Type of Service: Preparation of Technical Documentation

The project involves the third paper factory, PM3, in the industrial complex of Drenik ND doo. PM3 paper factory produces tissue paper ranging from 10 to 30 grams at the machine exit. This is then creped to achieve a final weight of 15 to 35 grams.

The supplier of technology and equipment is Recard Italy. The main equipment includes pulper tanks with mixers, mixing vats, mix vats with mixers, high-density cleaners, water tanks, disk refiners, a static mixer, roll rewinders, paper machine, pumps, fans, a flotation device, and a steam boiler.

The new Building B8 will contain the main hall, which is ground floor only, and an annex part, which is ground floor + 1 floor. The main hall is designed to house the paper production machine. The annex part includes all the auxiliary facilities necessary for the machine's operation. The ground floor of the annex part will include spaces for the gas boiler, transformers, electrical room, fresh water vats, compressors, worker area, locker room, and dining area.

On the first floor of the annex, the following facilities will be housed: hall ventilation system, mist eliminator, hood system, dust remover, flotation device, office block with sanitary facilities.

Scope of Services:

  • Obtaining Administrative Documentation 
  • Conceptual Design and Preliminary Design by discipline
  • Project for Building Permit by discipline
  • Project for Execution by discipline
  • Main Fire Protection Project