Construction of a Production Facility in the Mlekara Šabac Complex, with a Processing Capacity of 250,000 Liters of Raw Milk

Client: Mlekara Šabac AD Šabac

Period: 2017-2018

Location: Šabac

Type of Service: Preparation of Technical Documentation

The project involves the construction of a new production facility with a capacity of up to 250,000 liters of raw milk within the existing Mlekara Šabac complex. The building is a single-volume, ground-floor structure with an internal gallery in one part of the building, as well as a floor above the gallery. The building has an area of 3615.39 m² with a canopy of 257.97 m².

The new facility will house equipment for milk reception, processing, production, and storage of dairy products, as well as for cleaning and sanitizing equipment. For this purpose, part of the existing production equipment will be relocated to the new facility.

The supply of auxiliary fluids and energy to the new production facility will be sourced from existing facilities. Warm connections between the new building and the existing ones within the complex are planned for the operation of all processes in the dairy.

Scope of Services:

  • Obtaining Administrative Documentation 
  • Conceptual Design
  • Project for Building Permit by discipline
  • Environmental Impact Study
  • Project for Execution by discipline
  • Main Fire Protection Project