Reconstruction, Expansion, and Conversion of a Thermal Power Plant into a Potassium Sulfate Production Facility with a Capacity of 20,000 t/year, Construction of Smaller Structures for Auxiliary Equipment - Plant Elements, and Formation of Surrounding Concrete Plots

Client: Elixir Zorka - Mineral Fertilizers d.o.o. Šabac

Period: 2017

Location: Prahovo

Type of Service: Preparation of Technical Documentation

The project plans for a potassium sulfate production plant with several separate units organized into sections:

  • S-600 – Section for raw material delivery and potassium sulfate production,
  • S-610 – HCl absorption section,
  • S-620 – Storage and transshipment section for liquid fluids,
  • S-630 – Cooling water section.

Production is organized into two parallel lines (A and B) with a capacity of 10,000 t/year each.

In section S-600, solid potassium chloride and liquid sulfuric acid are brought to the furnace, where they react at a temperature of 500 to 530°C, producing solid potassium sulfate and gaseous hydrogen chloride. The solid product undergoes cooling, transportation, and processing before storage. The gaseous HCl is cooled in a graphite cooler and sent to the absorption section.

The designated potassium sulfate plant construction site includes existing structures like a thermal power plant, which will be demolished, reconstructed, expanded, or replaced with new facilities.

Scope of Services:

  • Conceptual Design and Preliminary Design by discipline
  • Project for Building Permit by discipline
  • Impact Study
  • Project for Execution by discipline
  • Main Fire Protection Project