Construction of a Facility for the Dosing and Use of Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) for Co-Combustion with Primary Fossil Fuels in a Rotary Kiln

Client: Titan Cementara Kosjerić d.o.o.

Period: 2017

CAPEX: - Location: Kosjerić

Type of Service: Preparation of Technical Documentation

The project involves the construction of a facility for the dosing and use of solid recovered fuel (SRF) for co-combustion with primary fossil fuels in the rotary kiln of Titan Cementara. The purpose of the facility is to replace up to 24% of fossil fuels with non-hazardous municipal waste, thereby reducing fossil fuel consumption and positively impacting the environment (permanent disposal, i.e., incineration of waste).

The facility can be divided into several functional units:

  • Unloading ramps,
  • SRF transport and selection system,
  • Reception bunker with measurement and transport to the pneumatic transport system, and
  • Pneumatic transport to the rotary kiln.

The rotary kiln will receive simultaneous SRF and primary fuel dosing via separate main burner channels. The dosing process control is automated and will be managed from the cement plant's control center.

Scope of Services:

  • Preliminary Design by discipline
  • Project for Building Permit by discipline: technological, mechanical, construction, electrical, measurement, regulation, and control